Audio illusions are rarer by far than optical illusions. The new, Laurel vs. Yanni illusion is maddening in its apparent impishness. I hear Laurel and couldn’t hear Yanni without some work. I’ve broke out the low end: … from the high end: Even in the latter case, I can only begin to, sort of, hear…
A few times a year, somewhere in America, someone decides it is time to trademark something absurd. By most standards this is an expensive process, and requires a lawyer who will go along with the notion the word is exclusive in some purview. It also requires a good measure of hubris and a willingness to…
On the Power of Silence
This weekend I was stunned when Emma González read her deeply emotional remembrance of each life taken in the Parkland shooting. After she named each person murdered, she lifted her eyes to crowd, put her speech to the side, and stood in silence for nearly 5 minutes. The effect was devastating. In a culture accustomed…
The iPhone X is the future of photography — and that might be very bad
Apple unveiled the iPhone 8s and iPhone X today with a new feature that, on the surface, looks amazing. Building on last year’s “Portrait Mode” that faked a lower depth of field than a small lens is physically capable of, this new addition is called “Portrait Lighting” which, in theory, re-lights a photo like it…
A short Spoiler Free FAQ for ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
My novel, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED is out now and I’d love for you to read it. The concept of a world where everyone has to pay for every word they speak has a lot of people curious and with curiosity comes questions. I thought it might be helpful to answer a few. If you are…
How we see color makes us human
Most of us wonder, at one time or another, how the world appears in other people’s eyes. Does the red I see look like the red you see? If not, how are they different? If you are not colorblind, you have probably wondered what the world looks like to those who are. You have probably…
On Freedom of Speech and Silence
In two weeks, my first novel arrives. It takes place in a future without free speech — where speech literally costs money — where every word has a dollar value and people can only speak as much as they can afford. Rather than pay, the protagonist, Speth, exercises the only power and autonomy left to…
Book Covers for the TSA
The TSA recently began, and now claims to have ended, a program to screen books pulled from carry on bags. On the TSA website, under an article titled “Let’s Close the Book on Book Screening Rumors” the TSA goes on to confirm the rumors and then asks us to just forget about it. It is…
Complaints to the FCC
The FCC does not exist to censor broadcasts. I am very glad that is the case. They do, however, take complaints from consumers and, if they have merit, they investigate and have the power to levy fines or, in theory, revoke broadcast licenses. At present, they are “investigating” complaints about Stephen Colbert jokes about the…
The Big Squeeze
I am so baffled by Juicero™ I don’t entirely know how to articulate it. I guess I could start by explaining what Juicero™ is: Juicero™ is a $700 $400 machine that squeezes expensive, proprietary bags of juice-mash (purchased via an expensive and, frankly, wasteful subscription) into a juice glass that I don’t think Juicero™ provides.…